Explore 4,310 companies in Denmark
AG Gruppen blev etableret i 1986, og siden er der sket en del. Men udgangspunktet er det samme: at skabe attraktive bolig- og kontorbyggerier, som afleveres til den aftalte tid og pris. Og altid med omtanke for investorerne, nærmiljøet og det omkringliggende samfund såvel som den enkelte bruger –
Spraino has developed a solution that easily attaches to the outside of the shoe and stabilizes the ankle.
Find the cheapest flights with momondo. We find and compare fares from more than 1,000 airlines and travel sites, giving you the best rates
BoD - ekspert i små oplag BoD leverer print on demand-løsninger til private og til erhverv. BoD er førende i Europa inden for tryk af helt små oplag. BoD er en del af Libri, og har de sidste 15 år investeret i - og udviklet - print on demand i små oplag. Derfor kan BoD i dag levere tryk i høj kvalit
Home of ProCon Wind Energy and ProCon Technic - Electrifying Renewable Energy ProCon Wind Energy provides custom-built electrical solutions and technical equipment for the global wind industry both onshore and offshore. Long track-record regarding engineering, installation, HV work and service of
Welcome to our LinkedIn page, where we post vacancies and news about our company. At BORG Automotive, we are one of Europe’s largest, most skilled, and most experienced remanufacturing companies in the automotive parts industry. For more than 45 years, we have worked to deliver the best remanufac
The Capital Region of Denmark's Pharmacy is the country's largest hospital pharmacy. They produce and deliver medicines to the region's hospitals and institutions, the Greenlandic healthcare system, and hospital pharmacies in Denmark.
Selskabets formål er produktion og salg af sygepleje- og hospitalartikler samt investeringsvirksomhed
LTECH A/S er en moderne virksomhed, som udfører CTS og elinstallationer. Vores mål er at finde energirigtige løsninger til vores kunder med fokus på kvalitet og besparelser. Derfor består vores medarbejderteam af dygtige projektledere, elektrikere, montører, teknikere og funktionærer, som alle arbe
At Feedbird we create on-brand, social media content that your audience will love with with plans starting from only $99/mo.
Velkommen til Tårnby. Få nemt og hurtigt klaret dine ærinder med kommunen online.
Quooker Skandinavien a/s er en selvstændig virksomhed, der har eneretten på distribution af Quooker i hele Skandinavien med et distributionsnet på 850 detailforhandlere. Vi er en fleksibel organisation på ca. 50 medarbejdere, hvor der er højt til loftet og plads til at udfolde sit fulde potentiale.
Steinwurf develops and sells software that allows content to be shared locally through wireless networks.
Med adresser i Haderslev, Aabenraa, Sønderborg og Tønder er EUC Syd en af Sønderjyllands største uddannelsesinstitutioner – og vi mener det, når vi siger, at vi uddanner handlekraft.
Contura International udvikler og fremstiller innovative medicinske produkter inden for ortopædi, bløddelsforøgelse og dyresundhed ved hjælp af sin unikke og patenterede hydrogelteknologi. Fra vores produktion i Danmark har vi udviklet produkter, som gør en livsforandrende forskel for patienters li
FUNKISFOOD APS is a company based out of Ringkøbing-Skjern Municipality, Middle Jutland, Denmark.
We grow businesses by innovating and creating the latest robotic solutions. At IA, we offer you tailor-made automation solutions for your industry. We transform companies by designing best-in-class robotic solutions, driven by strong creative and rooted in the technology, data, and organizational s
Confirm is a reputable and aspirational engineering firm that offers sophisticated automation and validation solutions to manufacturing companies in the pharmaceutical, medical device, and other regulated industries. They guarantee that GMP is used in the most effective way while offering the most v
Erhvervsrengøring skræddersyet til ethvert behov. Har du brug for daglig/periodisk rengøring af kontorer, produktionslokalet, en skole, en børnehave, en etageejendom, et indkøbscenter, et supermarked, et museum, et idrætsanlæg, et plejecenter,…….., kan du trygt henvende dig til os. Vi klarer også v
Unlock the potential of your digital engineering tools numerous streamlines the development, integration, and scaling of your engineering tools, enhancing their accessibility and user experience. Simplify your workflow, boost your efficiency, and maximize your impact. Career @ numerous - Read more
ShopBetter is the only online shopping experience you will ever need. E-commerce made easy for the user, with great products at affordable prices, auctions, VIP discounts, easy-to-use responsive design etc.
Modularized & Moveable Warehouse Automation. Kasparium is a Goods to Person warehouse automation system – Designed so companies can start automation earlier and continue to have the smartest system as they grow. Scale with ease. Move with ease. Pay with ease
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Glunz & Jensen is the world’s leading supplier of innovative solutions for the global prepress industry. Their main product areas are processors for the offset and flexo printing industry, iCtP plate setters and automation equipment.
Vi har kun en palle vin til salg ad gangen. Vi finder den bedste vin til den skarpeste pris og sælger den online direkte fra pallen. Når pallen er tom, sætter vi en ny palle til salg. Så enkelt er det.
1 follower
Køb økologisk og bæredygtigt tøj af bedste bambus kvalitet fra Bambuni. Ultrablødt, åndbart, lugtafvisende og svedtransporterende.
Eighty2® is a Category Studio. We work with co-founders that have the potential to dominate their respective category and become leaders in their markets. We seek businesses that have a clear path to growth and profitability, with strong management teams and a proven track record of execution. We ac
SARTH is the no. 1 destination for responsible and ethical fashion. Everyday, we buy products that impact people and the planet. But we rarely have the information we need to make positive choices about what to buy. When brands actually do make sustainability claims, it can be hard to tell what’s
We are Kontrapunkt. A strategic brand agency working across strategy, design, technology, and storytelling to excite people and inspire change. Drop by our offices in the heart of Copenhagen, and you’ll have already immersed yourself in some of Kontrapunkt’s proud design heritage along the way - ba
The mission for ONE A is to design clean and simple products for the architecture of tomorrow - without ever compromising on the quality. ONE A embraces functionality and designs in a unique and innovative way All products are designed and manufactured in Denmark by skilled Danish designers and arch
Herning Kommune er kendetegnet ved kreativitet, innovation, individualitet og mangfoldighed. Vi tør tænke nyt og handle på nye måder. Vi har visioner og værdier, som vi lever og handler efter. Og vi har en strategi for, hvordan vi når vores mål.
We combine the power of people and technology so our customers can embrace uncertainty and define their own future. We call it Digital Empowerment.
MyDefence is an entrepreneurial enterprise rooted in the experience of former military officers.
Linkfire creates intelligent links that route fans to the music they love, in the apps they love.
Executive Capital er et investeringsfællesskab for erfarne erhvervsfolk, der ønsker at investere i små- og mellemstore danske virksomheder. Vi har typisk selv ejet og udviklet et mindre selskab til en større international virksomhed, og har derfor en omfattende erfaringer med SMVers udfordringer.
TAKT looks to the future with our sights set far beyond furniture. Because society needs new ideas about how to make quality goods accessible for more people, and we need to do it in a sensible way that doesn’t adversely affect life on the planet. We take on this challenge as we create refined Danis
Selskabets formål er at drive handel og industri, herunder installationsvirksomhed.
Global Roadrunner is an investment house and start-up propagator, owned and operated by serial entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs.
Steeper Energy develops advanced biofuels from low-value biomass, such as residues and wastes from the agriculture and forest industries.
We are a boutique consultancy within digital procurement. We drive digital transformation projects within procurement by collaborating with both practitioners, providers, start-ups and academia. Our services include digital diagnostics and strategy development, digital negotiation support, e-aucti
RTT startede taxameteret første gang i København i 1909. Dengang hed vi Radio Telefon Teknik. Siden er der sket meget - Vi tilbyder i dag landsdækkende service og en komplet pakke af produkter og løsninger til bilbranchen samt visuel kommunikation og branding af virksomheder. Medarbejderne Vi beskæ
Our philosophy is simple and straight forward: Conscientious quality at the right price. This means that a strong love for durable design and a true care for our surroundings is the basis of every piece of furniture made by us. DESIGN IN ENDLESS COMBINATIONS We strive to deliver the newest fashion
I Gebr. Heinemann Retail Danmark er vi omkring 244 medarbejdere, som til dagligt varetager salget i seks Tax Free butikker, fordelt i Københavns Lufthavn. Vi er en del af den tyske familieejede koncern, Gebr. Heinemann, som har hovedsæde i Hamborg. Koncernen blev grundlagt i 1879 og drives i dag
Bookmundi is one of the world's most sophisticated travel booking platforms.!. We sell tours, things to do and holiday packages around the world, delivered by top local travel providers. All suppliers are carefully vetted before being accepted onboard. Whether you're looking for tickets to La Sag
LOCKED vil være Danmarks bedste indenfor både Escape Rooms og "ud-af-huset" teambuilding. På nuværende tidspunkt (November 2023) har vi 10 fysiske Escape Room afdelinger placeret i Aarhus, Odense, Randers, Holstebro, Horsens, Herning, Kolding, Roskilde, Aalborg og Næstved. Udover vores Escape Room
Danish Decommissioning [DD] was established in 2003 as an institution under the Ministry of Higher Education and Science. DD is responsible for decommissioning, i.e. dismantling, the nuclear facilities at Risø near Roskilde. DD also contributes to finding a long-term solution for all Danish radioact
Opleves løn-processen tung og tidskrævende, så lad en af vores specialister se på den. Vi gennemgår processer, automatiserer og forenkler arbejdsgange, hvorefter vi afleverer en velsmurt løn-maskine tilbage til jer. Har I brug for midlertidig assistance, fra en lønkonsulent eller lønchef, så er vi