
Explore 4,310 companies in Denmark A/S is a mobile and fully automated investment service for the average investor who suffers from high bank fees.

Dantec Dynamics


THE CHALLENGE: Scientists and Engineers in fluid dynamics and solid mechanics rely on measurements to make breakthroughs in applied research, technology development, and quality assurance. Dantec Dynamics specializes in the development, manufacture, and application support of measurement systems tha

How do we keep up in a world that’s undergoing fundamental changes at a speed we’ve only just begun to understand the implications of? What we need is truly sustainable innovation because it requires us to think, do and act in new ways. That’s exactly what design can help us do, and why we’re here.

CeramicSpeed is one of the world’s leading suppliers of ceramic bearings. We have more than 15 years’ experience in bearings applications, and have developed close relationships with our component suppliers over the years – each of whom are the very best in their fields. All of our bearings are hand



Welcome to INTENTIONAL's LinkedIn Page. At INTENTIONAL, we believe that we need a diverse group of people to solve the diverse problems the world is facing and draw on all talent available. We are proud to drive a positive change in this direction through our two programs: 📗 The Diversity Comm



Selskabets formål er at drive fabrikation, handel, investering og administration samt anden dermed i forbindelse stående virksomhed, alt efter bestyrelsens nærmere bestemmelse.



Nybolig er en af Danmarks største ejendomsmæglerkæder med flere end 220 forretninger over hele landet. Ud over vores mange forretninger, så er en af landets største platforme for køb og salg af bolig. På finder du alle boliger, der er til salg i Danmark og en lang række infor

Founded in 2004, Floating Power Plant (FPP) is a pioneering clean-tech company revolutionizing renewable energy with its unique, patented floating platforms that harness wind and potentially wave power - paired with the power of hydrogen. As the only company worldwide to have developed and operate

OBI Media


Med kombinationen af outdoor & broadcast medier sikrer du som annoncør at modtageren for din reklamekampagne både bliver eksponeret visuelt og auditivt. Derfor skaber du som annoncør en markant højere IMPACT hos din målgruppe og dermed effekt af din kampagne.

Er din virksomhed klar til at optimere lageret og skabe orden med kvalitetsstålreoler? Erfa Inventar er en dansk produktionsvirksomhed der specialiserer sig i reolssystemer. Vi eksperter i at forvandle dine lager- og opbevaringsbehov til en effektiv og velfungerende løsning. Forestil dig dette:

Abandon the conventional! We conduct our events from design to production with a passionate focus on the unconventional, be it corporate conferences, gorgeous catwalk shows, awesome parties - or anything you can throw at us. Think of events as your most powerful marketing tool. In an intellige

Petrowsky A/S


Petrowsky A/S beskæftiger knapt 50 montører, teknikere, projektledere og ingeniører. Virksomheden har gennem en dedikeret og målrettet indsats positioneret sig som din foretrukne tekniske samarbejdspartner indenfor VVS, blik og ventilation.



Selskabet formål er at drive handel, finansiering, investering og dermed beslægtet virksomhed

AL Finans A/S


AL Finans er datterselskab af Arbejdernes Landsbank. Det giver dig sikkerhed for en solid, stærk og erfaren finansieringspartner. Vi tilbyder en personlig og fleksibel dialog, så vi i fællesskab finder frem til de bedste finansieringsløsninger for dig. Vores arbejde tager udgangspunkt i vores lange

Global Mediator


Global Mediator empowers companies to accelerate their digital transformation of business processes on the Microsoft technology stack. We focus on Dynamics 365 Business Central, Power Platform, .NET, and technologies that drive business growth. For Microsoft Dynamics 365 BC, we are one of the larges



Cobe creates architecture that shapes the future and aspires to create surroundings that actively contribute to extraordinary everyday life. Cobe was founded in 2006 by the architect Dan Stubbergaard. Today, the company is a bustling international environment of more than 150 dedicated professional

Bruhn NewTech


Bruhn NewTech provides complete end-to-end solutions that saves lives in case of chemical terrorist attacks. The protection covers the full suite of airborne hazards whether accidental, intentional or natural – and whether they include explosives or chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear mate



Create Digital Ads at Scale. We believe that creativity in digital marketing is important today and that it will only become more important in the future. Zuuvi is a Danish design platform build for digital marketing teams and designers, that enables them to produce best-in-class ads for display a



ENKOTEC offers a wide range of high-performance machines for the manufacture of wire nails. The machines can be supplied as stand-alone units or set up to work in an in line nail manufacturing system. All our nail machines are developed and produced at our own factory situated centrally in Denmark

We are DISA, part of Norican Group. We’re a diverse group of inquiring minds, combining deep experience with constant innovation to create novel foundry solutions. Our work helps you exploit your business’s potential to its fullest while lowering the consumption of scarce resources and minimising en



Tentoma was founded in 2011 as Frank Bruhn ApS and originally performed service and maintenance in the vertical stretch hood industry. Today Tentoma offers a fully automatic packaging machine which can pack larger goods in a tightly sealed packaging protecting it from water and contamination. Since



Find din køreplan eller planlæg din rejse i Rejseplanen. Se billetter og priser. Se trafikinfo for busser og Letbanen. Midttrafik Kundecenter tlf. 70 210 230.



Kirppu is a supermarket industry that focuses on distributing, marketing, buying and selling flea consumer goods.

We are a company of tourism professionals and data scientists focused on making the Incoming tour operators work faster and smarter. Nitro is the most streamlined Incoming tour operator system for doing tailor-made groups and FIT. It automates your back office processes: from quick quotations and b



Tradium tilbyder erhvervsuddannelse, EUX-, EUD- og gymnasial uddannelse, voksen- og efteruddannelser samt Retail & Management med højt fagligt niveau.



Digital platform and app for effortless operation of energy communities in buildings or areas with collective self-consumption of solar power. As an expert in ‘behind-the-meter’ energy communities with solar PV, battery storage and EV chargers, Enyday provides a solution for buildings to ‘self-mana

Virtual Hive


Virtual Hive is a result of Agenda Groups engagement in virtual experience thinking. With more than 20 years of experience, Agenda Group are specialists in creating and executing engaging business driving conferences and fairs. For many years the focus was solely on creating and executing physical

Kasperskolernes er en specialskole for elever med ADHD, autisme eller mindre socio- emotionelle vanskeligheder



Be you. At your Best.

Vi hjælper brands med eksekvering og optimering af digital markedsføring, så flere kunder tiltrækkes og vækst skabes.

Other Tales Interactive is a Danish/Swedish independent game studio that makes experimental story driven games. The studio consist of the two writers and designers Tanja Lind Tankred and Mira Dorthé.



ConsortiaManager started in 2014 as a public-private innovation project with the Danish Ministry of Culture (Kulturstyrelsen). ConsortiaManager has amassed the whole process into one flow, systemizing the data and providing system users with a good overview of their subscriptions. It creates a space

ROtation Indetning er specialiseret i indretning til erhverv. Vi tror på, at indretning kommunikerer, og derfor skal tages lige så alvorligt som andre kontaktpunkter. Med indretning fortæller vi historie og skaber kultur og fællesskab for både medarbejdere og gæster på kontoret. Står din virksomhed

KiMs A/S


KiMs leverer kvalitetsprodukter indenfor chips, snacks, nødder, dip og chokolade. KiMs er elsket af danskerne, når de er sultne for sjov.

Resen Waves


Smart Power Buoy converts waves into sustainable and clean electricity and is a zero emission alternative to offshore diesel generators.

Eltronic A/S


At Eltronic we help companies develop intelligent production plants and machines that create a reliable and competitive production on the global market. We operate within five business areas in which we have developed extensive know-how in dealing with challenges related to the specific industry.



ALL CAPS is an ambitious indie game studio which focuses on making awesome games and delievering experiences that stand out. We are always looking for more ambitious challenges to take on and to work with new partners. We do game development from idea to launch and beyond with live-services, analyt

Industry Leading Palletisers Palletising is at the heart of a business, and we strive to meet manufacturers’ demands: High volume production line, optimised cost efficiency, improved logistical handling and compliance with work environment regulations. At Dan Palletiser every great machine is back

MayFly AI


MayFly AI is an ai robotics company.



VI ER SPECIALISTER - SÅ DU IKKE BEHØVER AT VÆRE DET Foruden at være den mest profitable markedsføringskanal, så er e-mail marketing også en kanal med en bred vifte af muligheder indenfor både B2B og B2C. Fælles for de to er, at man med e-mail marketing kan skabe en tættere kunderelation, øge livstid

Vulva Enterprise


Vulva Enterprise is founded by Scandinavian midwives and obstetricians. Our clinical work is to repair women nicely in vulva area after vaginal birth. We also teach students and fellow staff members new and evidence based suturering techniques. The medical simulators we have developed for trainin

PS Contact


PS Contact er en alsidig og anderledes privat servicevirksomhed, der supplerer og styrker kommunen i arbejdet med at servicere borgere. Vi hjælper bl.a. under Servicelovens paragraffer som f.eks. §52,3,2, §76,2,3 §85, §98, §103 og §107. Vi løser også opgaver under lov om aktiv beskæftigelsesindsats

NATURAL HYDROGEN IS A CHEAP, ALWAYS-ON AND ZERO EMISSION ENERGY And this is exactly what the world needs to speed up the transition to a zero emission economy. As of today, we are heading towards a world that is much warmer than even the 2 degrees being the upper limit in the Paris Agreement. Recog



DetailWatch dækker små og store nyheder inden for dansk detail og e-commerce, hvad enten det er breaking news, branchetemaer, karriereryk, regnskabsnyt eller dybdeartikler. Vi skriver både om de centrale virksomheder og profiler, tal og politik, der har relevans for branchen.

Act by Choice


In a world inundated with sustainability rhetoric, Act by Choice stands out as a beacon of clarity and action. We're a boutique consultancy dedicated to demystifying sustainability and making it accessible and actionable for businesses and communities. Founded as part of the TripDoodler family on



At SailZoo, we understand the frustration of trying to find the right service provider for your boat when you need it the most. With an abundance of options and limited online presence, it can be difficult to make a well-informed decision quickly. We've created a solution that simplifies this proces



Our goal is to develop a packaging for paint that makes it easier for the painters to do their job, is better for the environment and advantageous for the supplier. We achieve that by rethinking the packaging of paint as we know it today by focusing on user centered design and the challenges the sup

Velkommen til Vending Automater ApS! Vi er dedikerede til at levere innovative løsninger inden for forskellige salgsautomater, der tilbyder bekvemmelighed og kvalitet. Med vores brede udvalg af automater og ekspertise inden for branchen sikrer vi, at dine behov og forventninger bliver opfyldt. Uan

At The Little Company, we specialize in fostering collaborative environments for transformative business optimization and growth. By closing operational loops and leveraging expertise in processes, projects, and programs, we streamline workflows, promoting organic growth with a robust delivery minds



Denmark’s new labelling program for IT-security and responsible use of data