
Explore 4,310 companies in Denmark

V. Løwener A/S is a trading and engineering company founded in 1889. The company sell and service engineering products and solutions for industry, contractors, transport industry and the public sector in Denmark and neighboring markets. Our 131 year history documents the company's strengths: the a



Vores fornemmeste opgave er at give dig tryghed, når det kommer til din virksomheds økonomistyring igennem optimering og digitalisering uanset dit behov. Vi tilpasser vores services så det passer i dit økonomiske set-up og kan hjælpe dig med alt fra almindelig bogføring og procesoptimering til CFO-

PharmAdvice ApS


It’s about partnership. If you operate or plan to operate in Denmark or other Scandinavian countries, partnering with PharmAdvice would be a shortcut to experienced resources with knowledge of the market regulatory settings. As your partner, we invest in understanding your business and goals, and we



IoT solutions for smart productions with our wireless sensors 📡📈💛



We are on a mission to improve children's social and personal development. Assemble has developed the leading white label digital solution for nursery carriers, Nemborn. Through digitalized documentation and dialogue, streamlined administration, easy finance management, and advanced registration,



BioLib Technologies is founded in Denmark in 2019. We envision a future where sensitive data is truly private and where the benefits of innovative diagnostics and advanced biological analytics are accessible to everyone, from everywhere. That is why we are building the world’s first platform for zer

The association is the tradeunion and professional body of Danish midwives

SundVikar A/S


SundVikar er en privat virksomhed, der tilbyder vikarydelser indenfor sundheds- og ældresektoren. Vi er landsdækkende og løser således opgaver på bl.a. plejehjem, hjemmepleje, bosteder etc. i hele Danmark. Leveringssikkerhed er en mærkesag for os; vagten skal dækkes, og opgaven skal løses. Vi er a

Erhvervsskolerne Aars vil være Danmarks bedste erhvervsskole. Vi tilbyder HTX, HHX, erhvervsuddannelser og voksen- og efteruddannelse

TripleNine Group A/S is a pharmaceuticals company based out of Denmark.



Din nøgle og partner til vellykkede erhvervsmøder, møde og event inspiration, samt den førende platform til booking af møder, konferencer og firmaevents. Optimeet har en portefølje på mere end 180+ unikke steder i hele landet, herunder konferencecentre, mødesteder, kongrescentre og meget mere. Me

Pliantics - Soft Robot Muscles We develop revolutionary soft motion technology for any application . Stand-out features include... Morphing motion___> Proportional motion with built-in mechanical compliance. Direct control ___> Compliant Force control instead of Rigid Position control is the future

Nordic Women in Tech Awards is aimed at celebrating the achievements of women in the tech industry and inspiring diversity in IT. Our mission is to inspire, educate, and support women pursuing careers in IT and create a safe environment where everyone feels they fit in. We want to celebrate div


Udlejning af alt det sjove til festen! Slushicemaskiner, popcornmaskiner, candyfloss, hoppeborge, bungeerun, rodeotyr, sumodragter, mega bordfodbold, karaokeanlæg, lydanlæg, musikanlæg og meget mere

NOVO Imaging


NOVO Imaging is a Danish company trading refurbished and pre-owned medical imaging equipment of good quality at competitive prices. We supply cost-efficient medical imaging equipment to hospitals, clinics and distributors worldwide, including spare parts. NOVO Imaging specialises in offering flexi

Viebke & West Malerfirma A/S er et sundt og velkonsolideret firma med ca. 200 ansatte. Vi har eksisteret siden 1944 og specialiserer os i arbejde til erhvervskunder. Vi sætter en ære i at levere service og kvalitet til en konkurrencedygtig pris.



Here at Clicktrip, we love everything hotel related - we are kind of obsessed, actually: securing the lowest prices, always expanding our hotel selection and providing new options to tailor hotel experiences to suit the needs of travellers everywhere is our passion. Thanks to our Copenhagen-based t

Intellis A/S


Intellis A/S er startet af de to tidligere ejere af Comcare A/S sammen med andre gode kolleger. Vores mål er at skabe de mest brugervenlige løsninger, udviklet med den nyeste teknologi, for på den måde at give vores kunder størst frihed og medindflydelse. Intellis tilbyder konsulentydelser til det

UXV Technologies


UXV Technologies is a technology company based in Denmark, that since 2014 has been developing, designing, and producing professional robot technology for a wide range of customers in the government and commercial sector. We use the best technologies, and the core of our DNA consists of three eleme



Klimate empowers companies to compensate for their unavoidable emissions through portfolios of carbon removal projects.

Musik i Lejet


Everything there is to know about music in Lejet



JumpStory reinvents the photo & video industry and lets Marketers everywhere access the world’s best visuals in one click.



We combine communication, organisational development, and behavioural design. We study how to make people act on their good intentions, and we design solutions and messages which bring about that behaviour. What do we do at bro? Communication is not orders to be shouted from a meeting room on the t



Tech for restaurants, SaaS



RIAS is today the leading supplier of semi-finished plastic products for all sectors of industry, construction and the public sector in Denmark and we also have significant activities in Scandinavia. Plastic is a component in nearly all products of today where the expectations for precision, durabi



Everchanging demands across the maritime domain means that ships must become more flexible if they are to keep pace with evolving requirements. Ships that take decades to design and build quickly become obsolete within the modern operating environment. As a result, modularity must become a central

GECO is an Information and Learning Mangement platform that lets you create, manage, and distribute your policies and guidelines. Your employees gain easy access to all relevant material through our digital employee handbook, while you gain insights into their engagement with it.

We are a supplier of spray drying systems, advanced heat treatment equipment and decontamination processes for food and non-food surfaces Our main products/solutions: - SGA Horizontal Spray Dryer - WAVE (Advanched Heat Treatment/Pasteurization) - SonoSteam® (Chemical-free decontamination process,

The main responsibility of the Ministry of Transport lies within the following areas: Roads, vehicles, railways, rapid transit systems (e.g. the Copenhagen metro), fixed links, harbours, ferry operations, aviation, airports and postal services. And national office buildings, building regulation, a

Dansk Revision


Dansk Revision is a group of independent high quality accounting firms with 28 offices and more than 450 employees throughout Denmark. All companies are governed by local partners, and all of them are state authorized or certified public accounts. Clients of Dansk Revision gain unique benefits from



CXFacts (fka BuyingTeams) is a fintech company working on enhancing feedback and collaboration between banks and corporate customers. We have co-created the digital collaboration tool of the future together with banks and corporate treasuries. To enhance relationships and create new value and cost-e

Obsidian Media


As a digital media company we deliver high-quality content helping end-users to get relevant guidance, inspiration and information within consumer goods. Our articles are reader-supported in that sense that we can paid if readers clicks through. At the same time we generate performance-based traffic



Tricloud provides an advanced platform for realizing the potential og Industrial IoT as an end to end solution, including service & support and consultancy services in the field of OT - operational technology & IT - Information technology - primarily Azure cloud.

The Tokenizer


The Tokenizer is the go-to media platform for the latest news and research related to the tokenization of real-world assets and the blockchain economy in Europe, the US and Asia. The Tokenizer launched in February 2019 and was developed by Norfico in Copenhagen, Denmark.The first of its kind in Euro



Selskabets formål er at drive håndværks, handels- og entreprenørvirksomhed.

Since the launching of the Termix 20 water heater in 1986, Gemina Termix has been in constant development and growth. Today Gemina Termix is market leader in the field of hot water systems and heat exchangers for houses and apartments. Danfoss District Heating acquired Gemina Termix in January 2004.



Utiligize makes a data-driven asset management program that incorporates 2030/2040 EV, battery, wind and solar forecasts into lifetime models for every asset a utility owns. With predictive models for 35 asset classes, spanning low voltage to transmission level, we offer investment and maintenance c

Finansministeriet spiller en helt central rolle for skiftende regeringers økonomiske politik. Ministeriet er blandt andet ansvarlig for udarbejdelsen af de årlige finanslove, der populært sagt er budgettet for alle statens udgifter og indtægter. Finansministeriets mission er at give regeringen det



Since 2009, we have been on a mission to Free the Sound, by creating wireless technology that can be enjoyed anywhere, anytime. Everything we make is the result of our ceaseless passion for engineering and design. Whether speakers or noise cancelling headphones, we aim to innovate and push wireless

I vores verden er kreativitet løsningen på ethvert problem. Uanset hvilket problem du står med, er det måden du går til det på, der afgør om du får det løst eller ej. Da problemer er forskellige er løsningerne det også. For at kunne dele ud af dem, løsningerne, skal man have kreativt overs

Dantaxi 4x48

1 follower

Dantaxi. Bestil TAXI i hele landet. Ring 4x48


1 follower

Turn your Shopify store into a beautiful mobile app - without writing any code. Run the app on your own phone in less than 15 minutes. Ready to launch in 60 minutes. Boost conversions with optimised checkout flows and unlimited push notifications.

Blackbox Media


Blackbox Media combines a unique combitination of industry experience across gaming, esports, advertisement and media. We help ambitious and courageous brands utilize the power of youth culture by positioning them in the right place, and with the right context. We do not shape youth culture, but w

Those Eyes


Those Eyes produces original and significant film and playable experiences, where storytelling and mechanics are developed in symbiosis. We released the internationally award-winning true-story spy adventure game Cosmic Top Secret for mobile and PC in 2018. It has later been ported to consoles. Last

Leasing til professionelle. Transport, entreprenør, landbrug, industri og flexleasing Vi leverer fleksible finansieringsløsninger til erhvervslivet. Vi tilpasser leasingløsninger til dit aktuelle behov og vores erfarne konsulenter kan give professionel rådgivning samt træffe hurtige beslutninger på



🌟250+ Ansatte | 🌟7 Brands | 🌟9 Produkter Salescorp har været ekstern salgsafdeling og kundeservice for en lang række større danske virksomheder siden 2005. Vi har derfor en stor praktisk og faglig erfaring med at opbygge og fastholde en stor kundeportefølje. Vi har gennem vores mangeårige leveti

Thorvaldsens Museum is a gem in the heart of Copenhagen. Presenting the collection of the world-famous Danish sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770-1844) we aim to enhance everybody's enjoyment and understanding of sculptural and neoclassic art pieces and also to encourage viewing these through modern g

SystemTeknik A/S


SystemTeknik is a leading international supplier of electrical control technology systems and energy solutions. The electrical control technology comprises solutions pertaining to electrical control and distribution switchboards, automation software (SCADA, PLC, SRO, HMI, etc.), on-site commissioni

Nubiz A/S


Nubiz A/S er et it-konsulenthus, der arbejder med udvikling, implementering og servicering af it-forretningsløsninger til små og mellemstore virksomheder. Vi er specialiserede i forretningssystemet Microsoft Dynamics Business Central. Vi har bred erfaring og arbejder med de nyeste teknologier. Vi by

Kielberg Advokater leverer specialiseret juridisk rådgivning, som er skræddersyet klientens individuelle behov og ønsker. Vi er et større specialist advokatkontor med kompetencer inden for alle væsentlige juridiske områder. Vi tilbyder en engageret og værdiskabende rådgivning med et højt fagligt niv