
Explore 4,310 companies in Denmark

IoT Fabrikken


At IoT Fabrikken we bring you easy-to-use NB IoT-solutions. We believe that tech-solutions should be *no plug and all play* which is why we are using frontrunner technology NB-IoT. Say goodbye to cables and wifi and start your sensors with one swipe of a magnet. Currently we develop and market:



Gate2Growth provides expert advisory services on financing, including public grants, and business development with relevance to both entrepreneurs and investors. Our services cut across all technical and business sectors. We help innovative European companies with the processes of commercializatio er en ny form for privat musikskole, hvor samlingspunktet er en hjemmeside. Vi har mange dygtige og erfarne musikundervisere tilknyttet, som alle står klar til at give dig god og kvalificeret musikundervisning. Søger du en kvalificeret musikunderviser, så tjek hjemmesiden ud

Kin AI


Kin is your personal AI coach who grows with you, helping you thrive in work and life. Kin is changing how we grow and learn with a personal AI coach that really gets you and you can trust. It offers personal guidance for work and life, while keeping your information safe and in your hands. 1. Sma



We assist therapists to deliver their best, building stronger trust and deeper engagement with their patients. Our platform enhances personalized support, ensuring each patient receives the most effective care tailored to their unique needs.

Jazzhus Montmartre is the historic jazz hotspot of Copenhagen, presenting world class live jazz at the original intimate venue where it all started in 1959 at Store Regnegade 19A (Great Rain Street) in the heart of the Danish capital. From 1959-1976, the club made jazz history as the European hom

SH Group AS


Selskabets formål er at drive udvikling, investering og handel med, samt fabrikation af maskiner og komplette anlæg samt andet industriudstyr, herunder styringer og redskaber.



MedicusNexus is a forum developing specialists within the Pharma industry. We build new relationships between specialists, and we create the best possible conditions for you to develop personally and professionally. Our concept is centred around personalized One2One meetings between you and othe



Ops-Analytics specializes in reducing your ATC delays

På Amager og Hvidovre Hospital handler det om liv. Om at redde liv og bringe liv til verden. Om livskvalitet for patienten og det gode arbejdsliv for medarbejderne. Vi står klar med ekspertise og omsorg hele døgnet. Vores mål er at bringe patienten hurtigt fra diagnose til behandling og sikkert h



GPV is a global customer-driven EMS (Electronics Manufacturing Services) partner and our vision is to be the most trusted, powerful, and top-of-mind EMS partner to our customers. On 3 October 2022, the merger between Swiss-headquartered Enics and GPV was completed. The name of the merged company i

Alra Vocals


Singing classes in Copenhagen for beginners and intermediate singers of all ages and styles. No sheet reading required—wherever you are in your vocal journey, we’ll give you the right guidance. The course includes vocal training, physical exercises to support your voice, and techniques to boost your

Humac A/S


Selskabets formål er, enten direkte eller gennem helt eller delvis ejede datterselskaber, at drive virksomhed indenfor målgruppen forskning og uddannelse med EDB hardware og software samt virksomhed, herunder uddannelse og serviceydelser med tilknytning hertil

We provide a Microsoft Dynamics 365 certified add-on that facilitates automated communication between your D365 ERP platform and any bank, anywhere. We help with: 🔄 Seamless connectivity and data exchange between D365 F&O and your bank(s) ✅ Automated Bank Reconciliation 🌐 Supply Chain Financin

I help B2B companies build effective stand-alone marketing machines that elegantly motivates their ideal potential clients to call them and buy from them. Services: ❍ Potential Client (Lead) Journey Strategy ❍ Potential Client (Lead) Journey Architecture ❍ Response-Driven Copywriting A selection

Socialdemokratiet har rødder helt tilbage i forrige århundrede. Partiet blev stiftet i efteråret 1871 af Louis Pio, Harald Brix og Paul Geleff. Formålet var at organisere den hastigt fremvoksende arbejderklasse på et socialistisk grundlag. Siden midten af århundredet havde Danmark været inde i en

CBS Design & Living Club aims to inspire and stimulate the CBS community creatively, through the disciplines of art, design, and culture and contribute to the creation of well-rounded and open-minded leaders and entrepreneurs.



NinjaMock online wireframe and mockup tool. Create wireframes and mockups in minutes.

Based in Middelfart, Denmark, Interacoustics is a world leading supplier of hearing and balance assessment equipment. Not only do we guarantee hearing healthcare professionals a quality product but also highly trained support. We operate in over 100 countries through a carefully selected network of


1 follower

DADES is one of the largest private property investment companies in Denmark.

SP Group A/S


SP Group A/S is a Denmark-based company active in the plastics industry. The Company is primarily engaged in the manufacture of molded plastic components and coatings on plastic and metal components. Its operations are divided into two business areas. The Coatings business area develops and produces

BEAM Audio Agency er et lydproduktionsselskab specialiseret i udvikling og produktion af podcasts og radioprogrammer. Vi producerer radio for landsdækkende radiokanaler og hjælper virksomheder, organisationer og institutioner med at kommunikere effektivt i lyd. BEAM Audio Agency består af erfarne l



Nextagenda er et dansk Business Intelligence hus. Vi arbejder med virksomheder og organisationer, der ønsker at levere resultater ud over det normale. Det er virksomheder og organisationer, der vil udnytte data optimalt. Det er virksomheder, der vil konkurrere på at være datadrevne – på at de har be

IntraManager A/S


Connects the contact center while you get an overview and transparency. With IntraManager, it becomes much easier to save time and money! Since 2011, we have helped Danish contact centers to a greater overview, streamlining and optimizing working hours, sales management, and document management. We



V-Spoiler panels are based on the most proven and tested vortex generator in the trucking industry. "V" stands for Vortex. Vortex Generators are small passive devices that create small swirls of air (vortices). They are well known from the aerospace/flight industry, Formula 1 and windmills. It is a



(English below) Vores formål er at skabe værdi i restaurationsbranchen gennem vores e-læringsplatform og uddanne personale og ledelse. Det gøres bl.a. med videoer inden for salg, service, management og produktviden, som har til formål at øge omsætningen, reducere ansættelsesomkostninger og holde læn



KJAER GROUP was established as a car dealership by Mr. Christian Kjær in Svendborg in 1962. Today the Group provides automotive mobility solutions internationally and employs around 400 people. The Group holds a leading position within its business area in Mozambique & Uganda where it owns and ope



Workee ApS has built a mobile-first HR tech platform for recruiting and onboarding of non-desk employees. It consists of two products: Workee, #1 blue-collar job app in Denmark, and Wisp, mobile intranet app builder.

Emporio Technologies is a Danish software company that develops, markets, implements, hosts and supports our EMPORIO eProcurement solution for large and mid-size companies mainly in the private sector. Customers come to us when they need the most user-friendly digital solution for optimising their

ProData Consult

1 follower

Selskabets formål er at drive Edb-rådgivning, finansiering og dermed naturlig forbunden virksomhed efter bestyrelsens beslutning.



Canute helps Danish tech companies scale abroad through intensive three-day programs on location in New York, London, Berlin and Stockholm, and in online formats through Canute Digital.



As Peter Drucker wrote in his classic The Practice of Management from 1954, innovation and marketing is the only functions in a business that produces results; All the rest are costs. Mr. Drucker saw marketing as the distinguishing, unique function of a business. You use it to make customers choo

SL Management

1 follower

We implement strong and sustainable improvement projects with direct bottom line effect!

LD Fonde


LD Fonde forvalter to særskilte fonde – Lønmodtagernes Dyrtidsmidler og Lønmodtagernes Feriemidler. Lønmodtagernes Dyrtidsmidler blev oprettet tilbage i 1980 for at forvalte de indefrosne dyrtidsportioner. 2,5 mio. lønmodtagere fik dermed en personlig opsparing. Opsparingen kan hæves som en engang

Dansk Boligforsikring was established in 2001.



Lækker kaffeløsning til din arbejdsplads☕ Vælg den rigtige kaffeløsning ☕Få et overblik over jeres kaffebehov. Vores Coffee Connesseiur rådgiver jer til at vælge den helt rette kaffeløsning til jeres behov. ⩥ Italienske espresso- og kaffemaskiner ⩥ Kvalitetsbønner i mange smagsnuancer ⩥ Service



Microsolutions is a solution provider and reseller of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations and Microsoft Dynamics AX. All services are centered around Dynamics ERP solutions, Customer Engagement applications and the Microsoft Power Platform. With business insight, deep knowledge within the

Mano Security is a security company specialising in security solutions for events, concerts, parties and cultural events. We also offer security solutions for the service industry and for public institutions, e.g. video surveillance, hotel security, shop detectives, night surveillance, stationary gu



Robotize specializes in the design and manufacture of Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs) for safe, simple and scalable intralogistics in factories and warehouses. Our dedication is to constantly improve our fully CE-approved collaborative robots in order to give our customers all the benefits of autom



PeeFence is transported in a flat and compact state and is folded on site to establish the trough where the urine can flow.

Deluca Film


Media and tv production

Navus Consult


Navus Consult works with E-Commerce projects using Salesforce Commerce Cloud platform. Services include helping to setup client''s teams, frontend / backend development, concept design preparation and execution, platform architecture design and implementation, sparring and filling in required gaps.

Vi vil gøre Glostrup grønnere ved at levere rent drikkevand til vores kunder, der primært er indvundet lokalt efter bæredygtige principper. Sikre en effektiv spildevandshåndtering og sammen med kunderne sikre at skader for kunder og samfund pga. klimaforandringer minimeres. Levere miljørigtig fjernv

Kemic Vandrens er en af de førende virksomheder med speciale indenfor vandrensning. Kemic Vandrens er en ordreproducerende virksomhed, som både tilbyder renovering af vandværker, opførelse af nye vandværker, samt specialopgaver, rensning af forurenet vand og serviceaftaler.

Midtjyske Jernbaner består i dag af det oprindelige Lemvigbanen, Vemb-Lemvig-Thyborøn Jernbane, som har eksisteret siden 1879/1899. 2008 blev Midtjyske Jernbaner skabt som en fusion mellem Odderbanen og Lemvigbanen. Odderbanen blev i 2016 en del af Aarhus Letbane. Pr. december 2020 overtager Midtj

Mid Digitale Liv develops and operates an online subscription service that secures this digital heritage and manages the digital footsteps.

Sirenia Aps


Sirenia Aps provide the Contextual Glue that binds your healthcare applications together.

WROOMservice ApS


WROOMservice vision er at give et digitalt svar på pris for service på din bil, blot ved indtastning af nummerplade og kilometer. Slut med at prisen skal være en overraskelse, og du skal spilde tid på at køre din bil til service. Du kender prisen på forhånd, og kan du trygt ligge ordren uden at skul



Harba is an innovation-driven Danish company digitalising and connecting the world's marinas and boaters.For marinas we have developed a cloud-based marina management software – HarbaMaster – which digitalises repetitive and time consuming marina management processes. It’s easy to use and adaptable