
Explore 4,310 companies in Denmark



With our modern forecasting & inventory optimization platform we empower your organization with the capabilities to turn inventory planning into EBIT improvements Quiver provides you with: - One source of truth for planning - Powerful and automated sales and inventory predictions - Simple & Intui

Greater Copenhagen Fire Department provides preventive and remedial emergency services of all kinds to a high standard as well as qualified and reliable administrative services. Our ambition is to be at the leading edge of developments within the field of emergency services, and to be a strong pa



AART er en skandinavisk, full-service arkitektvirksomhed, som yder rådgivning på tværs af skala og sektor. Vi skaber projekter indenfor segmenterne almene og private boliger, erhverv, kultur, sundhed og uddannelse, og yder tværgående rådgivning indenfor byrum- og landskabsdesign, planlægning, spacep

Multiverse ApS


Multiverse ApS (KOGAMA.COM) is a hybrid web/game company, located in Copenhagen Denmark. Multiverse ApS was founded in 2010. Our mission is to democratize games as a media by enabling anyone to express themselves with games. We are focusing exclusively on a platform for user created content calle

We help companies manage relationships - we believe that people are the focal point of any successful business or organization, and we are passionate about developing potentials. We are focused on the areas of leadership sparring, organizational development, recruitment, new placement, stress coach



ARTXP is a SaaS platform with a two-sided marketplace integrated that connects customers to creative experiences designed and hosted by emerging artists and local creators. We make it easier for customers to discover and book the best creative & cultural experiences near them, while empowering artis



Obton is a long-term investment partner with experience in creating stable returns through investment in solar parks. It offers alternative investment projects specializing in creating the best returns through green operating assets. The company was founded in 2006 and operates in Aarhus, Denmark.

Burd Delivery


Burd offer to deliver packages for web shops and others who must have sent packages to their customers. Burd delivers in the evenings, offering same-day deliveries.

DRIAS Rådgivende Ingeniører A/S rådgiver inden for alle ingeniørydelser. Vi arbejder med omhu for at sikre gode byggerier indenfor rammerne af bæredygtighed og flot arkitektur. Vi har altid som mål at planlægge og opføre byggerier, hvor helhedstænkte løsninger sikrer, at alle ingeniør- og arkitektdi



We deliver goods across Europe since 1987. Our employees are our most important asset, they are the core of our identity. Our mission is to be miles ahead, and that is an integrated part of our presence in the market. Through our core values: Flexibility, Capability and Reliability, we create safety

LT Automation

1 follower

LT automation develops and implements automation & robotics solutions for both healthcare & industry.

Vi sidder stadig klar ved vores telefoner for at vejlede dig om dine uddannelsesmuligheder.



The world of performing arts in one platform. We're using AI aggregated data to create the informational backbone (infrastructure) for the performing arts industry. (IMDb-style) The platform makes this underserved industry more visible and more accessible for millions of fans and professionals world

Nokas Danmark


Nokas er Danmarks førende leverandør af produkter og tjenester inden for kontanthåndtering og værditransport. Vi garanterer effektive og sikre løsninger i forbindelse med behandling, kontrol og distribution af danske og udenlandske kontanter.



Where we begin Whether we are doing a conference, a fair, an awards ceremony or a social event, it all begins with a question. Or several questions. Necessary questions. Because we need to know and understand the purpose of your event before we can tell you how it should be carried out. What is the

DIRA stands for 'Danish Industrial Robot Association'. It is an association with an independent board for Danish companies and knowledge institutions that are interested in robotics and automation. Today, several already have robots in operation, others are joining to learn more about this area, in



En gammel problemstilling I årevis er ERP-systemer blevet konfigureret fra bunden, så de matcher den enkelte virksomheds behov. Det lyder jo umiddelbart meget fornuftigt, men er det nu også klogt..? Bliver systemerne ikke blot svære at holde up-to-date, og virksomhederne afhængige af eksterne kons



We are a dynamic start-up, created as a spin-off company of DTU. Our mission is to achieve great environmental quality in indoor spaces. How do we do that? We do that by: 1) Extensively monitoring buildings through our platform, finding faults, and correcting them. 2) Asking occup



MAULUND A/S er en moderne e-commerce virksomhed beliggende i Risskov. MAULUND står bag onlinevirksomhederne MOBILCOVERS.DK, TABLETCOVERS.DK, TRENDCOVER.DK, INCOVER.DK, INCOVER.NO, INSKAL.SE samt MAULUND.COM, som er markedsledende indenfor covers og tilbehør til mobiltelefoner og tablets. Vores sorti

JCI Danmark


JCI er en international forening med omkring 170.000 medlemmer på verdensplan fordelt på knapt 5.000 afdelinger i omkring 100 lande. I Danmark er der cirka 550 aktive medlemmer mellem 18 og 40 år og 600 seniormedlemmer. De fordeler sig på mere end 35 forskellige lokale afdelinger. I JCI Danmark ar

Administrations- og Servicestyrelsens sikrer, at departement og styrelser i Skatteministeriets koncern kan fokusere på deres kerneopgaver. Det gør vi ved effektivt at varetage koncernens fælles administrations- og servicefunktioner. Vores fokus er altid, hvordan vi bedst muligt kan understøtte for



SONISTO is a marketplace for Audio Plugins (VST, VST3, AU & AAX) with a dedicated download- and install-manager.


Tradeworks is an independent software developer specializing in financial trade automation technology.



Hvad vil du gerne være? Vælg mellem vores mange uddannelser inkl. EUX og HTX (teknisk gymnasium). Vi tilbyder også efteruddannelse > uddannelse med fremtid <

Race for Oceans supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) agenda and has a strong network of partners. We work proactively with SDG 14 - Life below water and want to put more focus on the increasing plastic pollution in the oceans by integrating technologies in our activities. We create syn

It has become more important than ever for us entrepreneurs to become organised, given the current economic and political scene. Because when we organise, we have an impactful voice! Therefore, more than 50 experienced tech startup entrepreneurs and investors came together to kickstart the initiat

BlackstoneOne is a digital vulnerability scanner that finds cyber security weaknesses in your most exposed systems, to avoid costly data breaches. We provide the most intuitive and “easy to use” platform for continuous and automated vulnerability assessment and management. Identify, prioritize, a

St. Jørgen Holding is a company with the comprehensive purpose of contributing to the green transition. Our mission is to make a positive impact on society as well as the environment, by developing purposeful projects within our field of expertise. We operate within two areas: renewable energy and r



GLOBAL CSR is a leading Sustainability/CSR consultancy firm. We specialize in creating customised and sustainable solutions for private corporations, public authorities and organisations. Since 1996 we have built and maintained leading edge knowledge on CSR and an extensive network of more than 10

Miss Bagel ApS


Miss Bagel er et moderne håndværksbageri beliggende i Espergærde i Nordsjælland. Vi elsker godt brød og var det første bageri i Danmark til at bage bagels baseret på originale amerikanske opskrifter og bageteknikker. Derudover bager vi hovedsageligt amerikansk inspirerede produkter som bl.a. burgerb

NKP is the leading data and analytics provider for M&A professionals. We currently deliver two (integrated) solutions, M&A Insights and Public Equity, respectively: M&A Insights: Proprietary intelligence and data on the M&A markets in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland. Public Equity: An equity

Brand New Ventures is a Venture Capital firm based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Brand New Ventures' mission is to develop and strengthen their portfolio of companies.

The Graygency


Your brand's growth is our mission. We blend data-driven creativity with strategic brand-building for a unique blend of performance marketing. We don't just create content and execute campaigns. We work side by side with you to shift perspectives and drive transformative growth for your brand no

Human Bytes


Human Bytes focus on providing infrastructure solutions to some of the challenges of handling patient data, and clinical decision support systems driven by artificial intelligence. They aim to improve patient outcomes and efficiency by enabling artificial intelligence and advanced workflow technolog



Crowdio is a crowdsourced agent service for live chat that aims to optimize its users’ communications.



Synes du også, at det er svært at gennemskue hvilket system, der er det rette for dig? 🔍 DigiMatcher er en objektiv matching-platform, der gør det nemt for din virksomhed at finde digitale systemer - helt gratis. Hvordan fungerer DigiMatcher? DigiMatcher matcher dig med de system-leverandører, de

Banana Cph


At Banana we have one vision: To fight food waste Day in and day out, we collect and up-cycle bananas and use them to produce delicious, dairy-free sweet treats like banana cake, carrot cake, choco truffles and ice-cream. Actually, bananas are one of the most refused fruits of all. And yet, the


1 follower

Ordentlighed har været vores varemærke siden 1989, hvor Dennis Jensin som helt ung flyttede hjemmefra og blev selvstændig vicevært. Siden er virksomheden vokset, og i dag er vi 18 faste medarbejdere, som hjælper boligforeninger, institutioner og virksomheder i hele Storkøbenhavn med ejendomsservice



Cytex er din totalleverandør indenfor emballage, engangsservice og private label. Din forbindelse og relation til, at dine indkøb går som smurt. Vi strækker os altid langt for at opfylde dit behov i din indkøbsproces og arbejder hver dag dedikeret for at opfylde vores vision om at være din fore



Whyyy is a company focusing on digitalization, innovation, and decision making.



Boligflow hjælper med at automatiserer og effektivere dine opgaver og processer, så du kan bruge din tid og ressourcer på noget sjovere.

Hos INTERLEX Advokater får du rådgivning på højeste faglige og etiske niveau tilpasset din situation og dine behov. Her sikres du den bedst mulige sagsbehandling og en optimal løsning, fordi din sag behandles af netop den eller de advokater, som er bedst kvalificeret til opgaven. Du får tilknytte

Tholstrup er en familieejet virksomhed med otte restauranter og en cocktailbar. Fælles for virksomhedens meget forskellige steder er en passion for kvalitet, en kærlighed til årstidens råvarer og en respekt for værdien i at nyde et måltid med andre mennesker. Vores historie daterer tilbage til 197

Alumeco A/S


Selskabets formål er at drive handel med og forarbejde metaller samt besidde aktier og anparter i selskaber med tilsvarende formål



HJEMME HOS er en kæde af møbelbutikker, som bygger på den lokale fagmands viden og erfaring. Vi kan altid tilbyde det bedste og nyeste inden for møbler og boligindretning fra flere forskellige møbelfabrikker – heraf flere danske – så vi har stort udvalg af møbler og stilretninger. Vi lægger vægt på

Dataminds A/S


Vi hjælper vores kunder med at forandre data til viden Dataminds er specialister inden for Business Development, Business Intelligence og IT-udvikling. Vi hjælper vores kunder med at forandre data til viden. Vi skaber effektive arbejdsprocesser, besparelser og gevinster igennem analyser og applik

Tendo is a soft robotic exoskeleton, imagine a robotic glove, which strengthens your grip. It covers the thumb, index finger and forearm and it’s equipped with soft artificial tendons and smart sensors detecting when you are about to grasp an object and applies the requested strength to your fingers



Enorra, founded in 2023, is revolutionizing finance by developing SaaS tools that eliminate complexity and accelerate data-driven decisions using machine learning and AI. Our mission is to redefine industry best practices and enhance competitiveness in financial trade, focusing on data analytics, ma