Explore 4,310 companies in Denmark
Selskabets formål er fabrikation, handel og service, herunder især fremstilling af elektronik
Skovlyst originates from a small brewery in Hareskoven. We wanted to encapsulate the tastes and aromas of the forest in home-brewed beers. We are still passionate about that. Today, we have moved out of the woods and closer to the consumers. At Skovlyst, a craft beer is a complete and authentic ex
FA09 er en nonprofitorganisation, som administrerer 11.500 lejemål for en række almene boligorganisationer og kollegier. I tæt relation med vores samarbejdspartnere arbejder vi med stort drive for at gøre en forskel for vores beboere og bestyrelser. Se en lille video om FA09 her: www.vimeo.com/251
Taphouse is a 61 tap craft beer bar in the heart of Copenhagen, focusing on a very very wide selection of draft beer from top brewers around the world with a natural weight on danish micro-brew. Taphouse is owned by three beer entusiasts, running the bar besides their day jobs by the aid of a sta
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Cadeler is key supplier within the offshore wind industry for installation services and marine & engineering operations
Design studio presenting exclusive materials and interior solutions for architectural spaces. - Creating emotions through the essence of materiality.
Move Innovation is an ambitious house of development - innovative product development is our trademark. Our employees are experienced engineers and/or project managers that hold a M.Sc. in electronic engineering, C omechanical engineering o in computer science. industrial design, Move Innovation is
BS & Partners is a young marketing company based in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Versalift is a leading manufacturer of vehicle mounted aerial access platforms, high voltage insulated aerial lifts, digger derricks, and cable placers. Versalift provides safe access to elevated worksites and is a preferred supplier in multiple industries including telecommunications, power trans
We specialize in crafting dynamic Web and Mobile Applications that harmonize the latest front-end designs with robust back-end solutions, ensuring security and innovation at every turn. Our strategic Brand Strategy services help you resonate with your audience, while our meticulous Brand Identity
Scoutbase collects feedback, automatically and continuously, directly from seafarers about their work and life at sea, and displays this in real time. In order to: • Empower your crew and draw on their experience • Get real-time insights from across your fleet • Ensure learning, anticipate issues, c
Kollektiv is an endurance sports training platform for all. We are founded on an ambition to make the world's best athletes, coaches, and experts accessible to everyday people. Currently, coaching and guidance from the world's best is reserved for the elite of sport. We aim to change this. Our pla
Mouldflo can protect your mould and improve quality by quickly identifying cooling problems and alerting the user to various common cooling circuit problems. Mouldflo offers injection moulders an affordable solution for monitoring flow and temperature circuits within an injection mould. Our syste
Welcome to Hubbl – where connections with your colleagues are at the heart 🌐✨ Formerly known as Workbreak, we've transformed into Hubbl with a fresh vision for workplace interactions. Hubbl is your dynamic platform for fostering meaningful connections, both during and after office hours. 🚀🤝 Unl
qool, which stands for Quantum-Optimized Operations Learning, is an innovative startup spearheading a revolutionary fusion of AI and quantum computing, aimed at leading the next wave of artificial intelligence. Positioned at the forefront of the emerging quantum computing megatrend, qool is founded
Sales and service company – with main focus on pharmaceutical and biotech industry. Agent for a number of well recognized suppliers of process and utility equipment for use in pharmaceutical and biotech industry – pharmaceutical water systems, autoclaves.
Atcore helps you get the maximum effect from your online investments. Online success is about developing a bulletproof online strategy and then attracting, converting, and retaining the right customers. When you choose Atcore, you get help with all of this, and with our unique AtScore test, we deter
Way, way before statement eyebrows found fame globally as part of the selfie-ready ‘Instagram-worthy’ face, Kenny Anker was championing the art of brows. In his early vision he advocated naturally beautiful, well-formed and full-bodied brows. Now this style has achieved cult status in both beauty
CENTO udfører både hoved- og totalentreprise med særlig fokus på erhvervsbyggeri og boligejendomme. Med vores mange års erfaring, brede kompetencer og fleksible løsninger ønsker vi at udvikle byggeriet og skabe merværdi for kunder og samarbejdspartnere. Ligesom CENTO er bygget på et fundament af ti
Siden 1980’erne har vi hjulpet virksomheder i en lang række industrier til at flytte hele eller en del af deres aktiviteter til midlertidige lokaler. Vi tilbyder hurtige, nemme og økonomiske løsninger til alle vores kunders behov, og vi har stor erfaring og mange vellykkede projekter bag os. Arbejds
ABC Softwork offers software and services that simplify, digitize and automate business analytic processes 🚀 Our misson is to help business leaders across various industries deliver profitable growth with Business Analytics. The New Challenge Revenue used to be a driver for profits, but most bus
We are the worlds first carbon-neutral and circular mobile phone service provider for individuals and companies
Salling er et af Danmarks mest succesfulde stormagasiner med et bredt udvalg af de førende mærker indenfor mode, indretning, livsstil, velvære og fødevarer. I Salling lægger vi stor vægt på professionel service og faglighed, som skal sikre, at kunderne får en fantastisk købsoplevelse hver gang. Derf
Webamp er et ambitiøst digitalt marketingbureau beliggende i smørhullet af København. Vi er et hold ildsjæle med krøllede hjerner og høje ambitioner, der brænder for dét, vi laver. Vi udfordrer hver eneste dag dét, vi tror, vi ved i forvejen. Det gør vi for konstant at forbedre os i den dynamisk
PERE.COM is a digital platform that makes it easy for restaurants to get customers in seats and reward concierges for referring high paying hotel guests.With triple digit hyper growth we are the world´s fastest growing ancillary revenue platform for hotels and concierges and have users from the bigg
Nilorngroup offer complete, creative and tailor-made concepts in the areas of branding, design, product development and logistic solutions. www.nilorn.com
Selskabets formål er udlejning af entreprenørmateriel og beslægtet virksomhed.
About Us SDEX is a Danish Software company which is mainly focused on cutting-edge technologies in areas of web and mobile software development services. We offer AI, Machine learning and (IoT) solutions to help our clients through their digital transformation. SDEX also, recruits and outsources h
Nordic Gambling is the only legal firm in the Nordic countries which specialises in gambling related law such as licensing, compliance advice and public affairs. The partners of Nordic Gambling are recognised among the leading legal experts in the gambling industry and are qualified to assist you wi
A freight forwarder platform taking the pain out of cargo transportation by automating industry processes and improving customer experience
NurseCare's mission is to strengthen the health of employees at Danish companies through the prevention and identification of diseases as well as information about risk factors - to give the individual employee the best starting point in their future health related choices in life. Since 2001, Nurs
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Leder du efter en revisor Amager eller i København? Så har du fundet de rigtige. Revisionsfirmaet Gutfelt A/S hjælper til med revision, bogholderi og mere.
PenSam er et pensionsselskab, der leverer arbejdsmarkedspension til FOAs faggrupper, hvilket omfatter lønmodtagere i både kommuner, regioner og private virksomheder. Derudover tilbyder vi bank- og forsikringsprodukter til vores pensionskunder og deres familier. I PenSam har vi en klar holdning ti
Informationer om Gladsaxe Kommunes styre og administration. Læs nyheder fra hele organisationen, og benyt muligheden for at betjene dig selv digitalt på mange områder.
Copenhagen Film Festivals produces three of the biggest film festivals in Denmark: the documentary film festival CPH:DOX and the film festival for children, BUSTER. The organisation is located in the Meatpacking District in Copenhagen.
Ordrestyring.dk provides order management system for craftsmen.In 2011, Carsten Rasmussen founded Ordstyryring.dk. One man got a handful of customers who were willing to use the new program, even though it was still under development. The project took off speed, for Carsten Rasmussen sensed that the
LYNDDAHL is one of Northern Europe's biggest and most well-known manufacturers of extruded hoses, pipe solutions and Bio Media. LYNDDAHL develops, designs, extrudes and delivers solutions to satisfy specific customer desires, needs and requirements. LYNDDAHL gives you knowledge, experience, resour
hudda is a app for musicians and people who love music. hudda provides an immersive branded link-in-bio experience for musicians and artists, with an underlying community platform that captures their fans.
Mobaro offers intelligent mobile management and optimisation solutions for the international retail and amusement park industries.
Danmark er et fantastisk land. Men fortidens succeser har lukket vores øjne for fremtidens udfordringer. Aldrig har flere børn og unge været ramt af stress, angst og depression end nu. I de seneste 40 år er antallet af unge førstegangskøbere på boligmarkedet halveret. Vores generation er den fø
En solid virksomhed med 90 dygtige medarbejdere og 80 biler. CR El & Teknik er en velfunderet, familieejet el-teknisk virksomhed med 80 år i konstant udvikling. Vi leverer alle former for el, data, sikring, lys & energi installationer til erhvervs-, institution- og industrikunder. Vore store stab af
LEMAN helps customers all over the world with their transport and logistics needs. Regardless of the size of the job, our aim is always the same: to compose a solution that best serves the interests of the customer in terms of time and price. This requires experience, flexibility and creativity.
Bornholms Tidende er det eneste dagblad på Bornholm. Vi udkommer løbende på tidende.dk. Herudover udgiver vi Denne Uges Bornholm og en række mindre publikationer. Skal du markedsføre din virksomhed og/eller jeres produkter på Bornholm, så er vi klar til at hjælpe jer. Lad os høre fra dig på salg@
Fonden Mariehjemmene er en privat, non-profit organisation, der fungerer som en paraplyorganisation for 20 selvejende Mariehjem. Læs mere: www.fonden.mariehjem.dk Mission Fonden er en privat, uafhængig, non-profit organisation, som på et humanitært grundlag samarbejder med regioner og kommuner samt
Parcel4you is a logistics broker and service integrator supported by a state-of-the-art logistics platform with proven track record in developing and executing optimised parcel shipping and delivery solutions. - Our core business is logistical set up for packages from companies towards end users
easyTableBooking startede i 2012 som et nemt og billigt alternativ til tidens dyre og komplicerede bookingsystemer. Systemet blev vel modtaget og i løbet af det første år, var 30 restauranter oprettet på løsningen. Filosofien har fra starten været, at systemet skulle være nemt at bruge og det skull
Innoflow is a Danish purpose driven HR tech scale up with global ambitions.
eurodan-huse er et familieejet byggefirma af enfamilieshuse. Vores målsætning er, at vores kunder sidder tilbage med en følelse af, at være blevet taget godt imod ved enhver kontakt med firmaet, og at de efter endt byggeri har lyst til at anbefale vores byggefirma til andre. Dette bestræber vi o
Rossini Caviar is Scandinavia’s leading producer and supplier of caviar. Since 1999, we have supplied caviar of the highest quality to Michelin- and top restaurants worldwide, as the preferred supplier to some of the most creative, talented, and innovative chefs on the planet. Rossini Caviar also s
Gnist hjælper virksomheder med at gøre det godt og have det godt. For ofte handler organisationsudvikling om det ene eller det andet. Der fortages organisationsændringer med henblik på øget effektivisering og produktivitet – at man gør det godt. Alternativt efterspørges der tiltag, der forbedrer t