Explore 4,309 companies in Denmark
We are on a mission to help companies innovate and recharge their existing products with AI and Machine Learning. More to the point we believe that the consequences of us becoming more and more able to solve problems using AI we also need to make sure that we are acting responsibly.
ConWX is a leading global forecasting provider with more than 15 years of experience in advanced weather and energy forecasting. Our mission is to help our customers optimize performance and grow their businesses with the highest accuracy and quality in power and weather forecasting. We do not belie
LEJKA ApS står bag Danmarks mest innovative online-platform for udlejere og lejere af boliger. På LEJKA.dk kan både udlejere og lejere administerere alt det praktiske i lejeforholdet, bl.a. depositum, indflytningsrapport, lejekontrakt og huslejebetalinger - nemt, sikkert og gratis. Virksomheden er g
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We develop applications and solutions, helping customers to release the full potential of M-Files and Elements.Cloud. We focus on innovation, optimal usability and secure access. We are aiming to Improve Your User Experience and Turbocharge Functionality!
IT-Forsyningen er en sammenlægning af Ballerup, Egedal og Furesø Kommuners IT-drift og –support i et selvstændigt selskab. Vi hedder IT-Forsyningen, da vi forsyner vores ejerkommuner med IT - ganske enkelt. Overordnet set handler det om at få ensartede processer ved at gøre brug af personale, vær
Raunstrup - nye vinkler på byggeri Som landsdækkende entreprenør og tømrervirksomhed sætter Raunstrup nye vinkler på dit byggeri. Raunstrup har mere end 40 års erfaring med erhvervsbyggeri, boligbyggeri og offentligt byggeri. Desuden servicerer Raunstrup private med tømrer- og glarmesteropgaver
Every grain counts if we want to feed 8 billion people. Every grain counts if we want to consume less and save the planet. Every grain counts if we want less farmland and more nature. And every grain counts if we want to make food taste better. Because when we up-cycle every grain, instead of wastin
Comit blev etableret i 1998. Målet var at fungere som IT-afdeling for virksomheder og stå for både hosting, drift, infrastruktur og sikkerhed. Vi er på hjemmebane i teknikken, men også i de driftsmæssige udfordringer, hvilket betyder, at vi kan tilpasse alle løsninger millimeterpræcist efter den enk
Selskabets formål er at producere og sælge fiskefoderprodukter og hermed beslægtet virksomhed.
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With a wealth of experience in SEO endeavors and a track record of remarkable accomplishments in affiliate marketing, Jonas Jørgensen took the step of establishing a specialized SEO company in 2010, giving rise to the inception of Connect Media. Jonas's commendable feats in the realm of SEO include
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Strategisk Data Marketing Bureau - Kun for Dynamics CRM 365 kunder Forretningsspecialister i at opbygge, implementere og eksekvere digitale strategier baseret på data fra Dynamics CRM/365, ved hjælp af Marketing Automation og Data Drevet Marketing. For at sikre jeres virksomhed den rigtige rådgivn
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Pro-Consult specializes within repairment and sales of electronics for industry.
Spillerforeningen er interesseorganisationen og fagforeningen for fodboldspillere på eliteplan i Danmark samt danske fodboldspillere i udlandet. Foreningen blev stiftet i 1977 og er blandt de mest udviklede spillerforeninger i Europa. Virkeligheden for langt størstedelen af de danske fodboldsp
CS MEDICA is a Medical Equipment Manufacturing and distribution of OTC CBD medical devices and cosmetics company.
Emporium Partners is a global service company delivering design, manufacturing and supply chain solutions providing high-quality electronic components. We have an international network in Asia, USA and Europe as well as decades of qualified experience offering innovative and progressive solutions fo
Selskabets formål er at drive speditions- og vognmandsforretning, at udføre entreprenørkørsel, at udføre affaldshåndtering af enhver art, at udføre miljøentrepriser af enhver art, at eje landbrugsejendomme og at drive landbrug, samt at drive handel.
Selskabets formål er - direkte eller via besiddelse af kapitalandele i andre selskaber at drive industri-, handels- og investerings-virksomhed, herunder fremstilling og afsætning af maling, træpleje og speciallistprodukter og dermed beslægtede produkter.
Human Impact er en dansk konsulentvirksomhed. Vores omdrejningspunkt er konceptet Act as One. Vi hjælper jer med at få jeres strategi og mål til at lykkes, ved at udvikle den kultur og adfærd, der understøtter jeres strategi. Vi tager udgangspunkt i jeres situation og behov, skaber en løsning der
We undercut traditional western agencies by a factor of 7 and crush outsourcing players on the quality of the deliverables and the overall experience. Our in-house Institute enforces optimal programming standards and use of the newest technological magic, while an organized project management system
AI-Recruiters for Frontline Hiring - Faster, cheaper & loved by candidates. Our AI-recruiters talks to candidates & take screening calls 24/7, cutting your time-to-hire & help you attract the best candidates.
Actief Hartmanns – out of its category – and the answer to the future of work We are specialist in every field within HR, which gives us a broader perspective. In today’s labour market, it does not make sense to talk about hiring without talking about retention and development. We must include attra
The Danish Softball Federation, formed on June 13, 1978, works to promote the sport of fastpitch softball in Denmark in a positive and professional way. The federation is a member of the National Olympic Committee and Sports Confederation of Denmark, the European Softball Federation and the Internat
I Skatteministeriet er du med til at skabe fundamentet for finansieringen af den offentlige sektor. Her får du faglige udfordringer, indflydelse og stort ansvar som medarbejder i Skatteministeriet. Alle borgere, virksomheder og organisationer berøres af skattesystemet hvert eneste år. Vores arbejde
Jecowa ApS is a family investment group. It's main purpose is to build a financial foundation for the younger generation.
AMC Banking is a Danish based software company founded in 1993. They specialize in Bank Integration and they want to simplify the advanced processes of cash management.
FynBus planlægger buskørsel for Region Syddanmark og de 9 kommuner på Fyn og Langeland. Det er regionen og kommunerne, der ejer FynBus. Ejerne beslutter rammerne for, hvordan busserne skal køre. FynBus rådgiver ejerne om, hvordan buskørslen kan planlægges bedst muligt og laver køreplanerne. Re
Innowell er en dansk uddannelsesinstitution fra 2005, der udbyder sundheds- og wellnessuddannelser på e-læring.
We are a team of engineers, software developers and culinary experts based in Odense in Denmark, working to create the future of cooking. The Ztove system gives you precise control of temperatures. This new feature makes cooking easy, stress-free and time-efficient. Visit our website to learn mor
We are passionate for the simple and memorable solutions and want to ensure organized spontaneity. We take pride in connecting events, brands and the people who love them to ensure that all parties get the most out of the experiences. Since we started, we have shaped partnerships with brands like
Berlingske udkom første gang 3. januar 1749, og er dermed Danmarks ældste eksisterende avis. I en fragmenteret og kaotisk strøm af informationer og nyheder, er det Berlingskes ambition at tilføre nyhedsstrømmen prioritering, analyser og perspektiver, der efterlader vores læsere velorienterede og
Nobina er Nordens største og mest erfarne operatør indenfor kollektiv trafik. Vores kompetencer indenfor tilbudsarbejde og aktiv forvaltning af offentlige trafikkontrakter kombineret med vores fokus på at levere kvalitet, gør os til brancheførende indenfor lønsomhed, kontraktudvikling samt skabelse
Mustache, Danmarks mest behårede app hus. Vi hjælper dig gerne, så din digitale løsning står nytrimmet. Hos Mustache har vi fokus på design og udvikling af mobile apps til iPhone, iPad og Android. Vi går op i brugervenlighed kombineret med et unikt design. - Contact number: +45 4280 8000
Teitur develops novel therapeutics for treating or preventing neurodegenerative diseases. Teitur is Old Norse for happiness. Our ambition and commitment is to create new treatments for patients suffering from neurodegenerative diseases to help them live a longer, better and happier life.
Autorola Solutions work with established customers within automotive to move forward. We design software solutions to manage the central processes in our customers’ daily operations and together with you we set the standard and develop capabilities to get to the next level again and again. Autorola
Vi har siden 2009 beskæftiget os med IT-løsninger, der optimerer og effektiviserer processer og arbejdsgange i alle typer virksomheder og brancher. Vores produkter zExpense, zInvoice og zTime er cloudbaserede løsninger, der nemt og effektivt håndterer udlægs-og rejseafregning, kørsel, diæter tidsre
We enable wastewater treatment plants to reduce total greenhouse gas emissions from nitrous oxide (N₂O). Nitrous oxide can account for up to 90% of the total carbon footprint from wastewater treatment. Our N₂O Wastewater System is the only sensor in the world to measure dissolved nitrous oxide - a
Empowering SMBs to transition effortlessly from traditional loyalty solutions to cutting-edge digital strategies. We're reducing paper waste, elevating customer engagement, and changing the loyalty game. Turn visitors into regulars.
Phlit is a DTU-based start-up whose mission is to disrupt the clean tech industry by unlocking the flexibility of electrical drives - the largest global consumers of electricity. In particular, around a half of global electrical energy consumption is used for supplying electrical motors in applicat
LAKGRUPPENs vision is to be the leading most attentitive partner for paintshops, bodyshops- and other companies working with industrial surface treatment. We strive towards participating proactively in developing our partners' business'. We are characterized by having the best technical expertise,
Raven biosciences is a contract research provider based in Denmark and founded by experienced executives from the biotech and informatics industry. It operates at the intersection of biology and information technology and tackle the most important questions in health care and life science.
NoviPel is a Danish medtech company of healthcare professionals, designers, and engineers disrupting the market for female urinary incontinence (UI) with our biofeedback device; VisU Pro.
Persano is a cosmetic and health care company which develops and produces a wide range of products for international companies. We have more than 80 years of experience within the industry and today our expertise and technologies make us a key player on the Scandinavian market.
Codesealer enables you to build the world’s most resilient web and mobile interfaces and applications. We have secured more than 100 billion sessions. Codesealer is a patented and unique invisible security layer, that deploys seamlessly, protecting JS Web- and Mobile Applications, APIs, and end-u
Hotel GUESTapart offers hotel apartments and conference facilities. It was founded in 2017 and is headquartered in Aarhus, Denmark.
VARO develops and manufactures both standard and customised automation and production machinery within the pharmaceutical, chemical, food and non-food industry. In our Danish headquarters for VARO Group our 100 dedicated employees are always trying to find the very best solutions for our customers
Our purpose is to make supply chain collaboration simple and effective. We want to connect industrial customers and suppliers so they may effectively collaborate and share operational data across organisational borders. Our goal is to move data out of e-mails, Excel sheets and meetings and onto a
Vendsyssel FF (2013) er et resultat af samarbejde mellem flere klubber i Vendsyssel-området og en videreførelse af FC Hjørring-projektet, der i 2006 blev etableret som en overbygning på Hjørring Idrætsforening (HI) - stiftet den 9. november 1886 og dermed en af de ældste idrætsforeninger i Danmark.