Explore 4,309 companies in Denmark
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Hos Candyfloss Collective gør vi online shopping transparent, gir' overblik & inspirerer vores besøgende til nye valg! Alle vores brands er skabt med det formål, at bringe overblik til en specifik niche.
Spring Copenhagen is an innovative design company that has deep roots in the Scandinavian design tradition.
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Since 2012, iHeadHunt has recruited and headhunted specialists and managers for companies with a focus on IT.
MonTa Biosciences is a clinical stage biotech company located in the science park of The Danish Technical University in Kgs. Lyngby, North of Copenhagen. Their technology is a novel cancer immunotherapy approach using micelles to stimulate immune cells to migrate into tumor tissue leading to tumor
Forsvarsministeriets departement har to hovedopgaver: For det første betjener vi forsvarsministeren og giver ministeren grundlag for at skabe visionær dansk forsvars-, sikkerheds- og beredskabspolitik. Departementets opgaver er derfor i høj grad af politisk karakter. For det andet står vi fo
The social platform for collaborative product development
Astep is a design company that brings to the domestic landscape, the experience, knowledge and the future-oriented outlook that has been nurtured in the Sarfatti family for three generations, and bridges it with the latest developments in digital technologies. The first range of products reflects t
Sonova Audiological Care Denmark ApS runs the retail chain AudioNova, which is Denmark's leading private provider of hearing aids with more than 80 hearing care centers in the country. We deliver and sell hearing aids and associated services. AudioNova offers a portfolio of high-end devices as well
Pharmakon is a recognized education and development center for pharmaceutical practice with more than 120 employees, of which approx. 50 academics. Pharmakon's overall mission is to serve drug safety. The main activities are education of pharmacy technicians and further education of managers and em
SCT Transport A/S er en af sjællands største vognmandsvirksomheder. Med vores 4 afdelinger i Gilleleje, Hillerød, København og Roskilde dækker vi hele sjælland. Vi kan tilbyde vognmandskørsel indenfor tipkørsel, kran/grab, store hejsekraner, blokvogn og container. Derudover har SCT Transport også ad
We are Triba Health. We help people with Type 2 Diabetes by taking the "chronic" out of Type 2 Diabetes Management. Check out our website for more.
Sinnerup - Dansk livstilsbutik med alt indenfor bolig, møbler og mode. Hos Sinnerup finder du alt til indretning af din bolig. Forelsk dig i Sinnerups univers af kendte- og nye mærker og bliv inspireret.
SC Nordic's vision is that we will be a vital partner for our customers in their efforts to keep a competitive edge, by minimizing their usage of the world resources – simple because it make commercial sense. To emphasize this we have decided to rebrand for a SmartGrid inspired technical world of Gr
BRANDS Winther & Gonge VISION We develop and sell high quality products which are recognised by international experts to stimulate the development of children’s motor, cognitive and social skills through play and movement PHILOSOPHY We believe in ‘Learning by moving®’. Active children enhance thei
FoodOp enables professional kitchens to lower their Co2-footprint and admin workload. The menu planning module makes it easy to plan and share menus and comes with inspiration from hundreds of other chefs using the system. The tracking module enables kitchens to automatically measure food waste. T
Klausen+Partners is an advertising agency specializing in B2B communication that includes insight, digital strategy, and creativity.
Selskabets formål er at drive handel, industri og håndværk samt efter bedste skøn hermed beslægtet virksomhed.
HAY was founded in 2002 with the ambition to create contemporary furniture with an eye for modern living and sophisticated industrial manufacturing.
Check out our website http://space-inventor.com/ Contact us info@space-inventor.com Space Inventor is a satellite engineering company set up by a team of some of the most experienced nano-satellite engineers and entrepreneurs in the industry on the belief that nano-satellites needed to take a big l
Professionelle ledelsesværktøjer Thomas International er en global leverandør af objektive ledelsesværktøjer, som hjælper organisationer med rekruttering, fastholdelse og udvikling af de ansatte. Hvert år udføres på verdensplan mere end 2 millioner tests og analyser, som blandt andet omfatter adfær
Pragmasoft A / S is a software house that makes tailor-made IT solutions for companies of all sizes.They are 5 enthusiasts and partners who together have more than 60 years of experience in system development.Their value set is steeped in pragmatism, honesty, agility and efficiency. They are the fas
New improved hydrocephalus shunt
FSR – danske revisorer arbejder aktivt for at sikre og synliggøre kvaliteten og værdien af revisorers ydelser som en grundsten i at skabe en konkurrencedygtig dansk økonomi. FSR - danske revisorer repræsenterer Danmarks statsautoriserede og registrerede revisorer. Med flere end 6.000 personlige
Bispebjerg og Frederiksberg Hospital er et af Region Hovedstadens 4 akuthospitaler. For os handler det om liv, om at redde og forbedre liv, om at skabe livskvalitet og et attraktivt arbejdsliv. Vi er 4.200 ansatte, der betjener over 455.000 borgere. Vi har 530 sengepladser, 80.000 akutte besøg, o
We are proud distributors of Deeper Signals personality assessment tools. We specialize in creating insights on an individual, team and organizational level through scientific talent tools for development, selection & assessment processes. We believe true developmental impact comes from self-aware
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IT Minds is an IT consulting house that consists exclusively of young IT consultants.
Alles Lægehus er sammen med VikTeam og Institut for Mental Sundhed en del af WeCare Holding. Med denne sammenslutning af virksomheder er målet, at skrive et nyt kapitel i historien om, hvordan danskerne får bedre adgang til sundhedsydelser. I WeCare familien brænder vi for, at udvikle og tilbyde o
Intelligent Logistics Solutions to Customers Worldwide! Qubiqa is a leading supplier of intelligent, customized solutions based on innovative concepts. We focus on complete solutions, cold-end solutions for the insulation manufacturing industry and solutions to optimize internal logistics. The Qu
Make check-in and check-out the easiest part of everyone’s day. Vehicle check-in and out shouldn’t be hard work for anyone. That’s why we built Tjekvik. Our intuitive self-service technology lets your customers check-in and out how, when and where they want – at home, in the dealership or securely
Nordic Secondary Fund is the first and only fund in the Nordics to exclusively invest in secondaries.
Teamcubare is made by company builders for company builders. We live for those about to scale, but who want to keep their eyes on the road, not on the hassle of recruitment and office logistics. We have built successful tech teams for our own companies. And we build for you like if it was for oursel
ADVOKATSAMFUNDET Retssikkerhed - Uafhængighed - Integritet Advokatsamfundet arbejder på politisk neutralt grundlag for borgernes retssikkerhed og for et velfungerende retssamfund. Vi fører tilsyn med alle landets advokater og sikrer derigennem advokaternes uafhængighed og integritet. Advokatrådet
Our vision is defined by the desire for a Zero Waste Society, where neither time nor money is wasted, but where we fully release each other's and technology's potential. We provide software and services that streamline and automate business processes, primarily within HR and payroll. Our solutions
Dustin is an online-based IT-partner that offers products with associated services & solutions to the SME's and private individuals.
Hele Skandinaviens leverandør af produkter i ægte tegl. Bredt udvalg af mursten, tagsten, gulvsten, belægning. Find nærmeste forhandler.
Domea.dk er en af Danmarks største bygge- og boligadministrationer af almene boliger. Vores kunder er ca. 100 boligorganisationer eller boligselskaber, der tilsammen ejer ca. 53.000 almene boliger i hele landet. Knap 700 medarbejdere løser opgaver inden for blandt andet ejendomsdrift, regnskab, ø
2BM, Part of SOA People is a leading partner in business strategy execution powered by SAP and associated technologies - we deliver consulting, licensing, implementation, and application management services. We build strong relationships with our clients across Europe, helping them transform into
YouWe er et IT konsulenthus, der automatiserer forretningen og muliggør vækst. I dag er der ikke længere noget der hedder e-handel. Det hedder bare handel. Lige meget hvad du sælger, lige meget hvor stor din virksomhed er, så vi hele eller dele af dine processer foregå gennem en computer. Derfor
As a trusted and experienced partner to the wind-industry, we supply protection solutions made from tarp. We combine innovation with a dynamic, global, and efficient production to deliver solid solutions on time and without compromising. Founded at the port of Esbjerg in Denmark more than 70 year
Dot.vu is the leading Interactive Content platform that empowers brands to create Interactive Experiences that engage, entertain, and educate their customers. Our platform provides users with complete creative freedom in crafting unique Interactive Content that: 👉 differentiates their brands from
At Skycore Semiconductors, we combine research, expertise, propietary technology and an automated workflow to create revolutionary power solutions. Our switched-capacitor power converter integrated circuits can deliver high power, are small, low cost, efficient and scalable.
Som den eneste platform i Danmark, forbinder vi boligejere og håndværkere på baggrund af intelligente match-kriterier. Indtil videre, har vi hjulpet med, at formidle næsten 350.000 opgaver til de håndværkere, der er tilknyttet Håndværker.dk Boligejere oplever i dag, at det er svært at finde den rig
Hos Bjarne Nielsen A/S er vi autoriseret forhandler af Ford, Mazda, Kia, Renault, Dacia og Volvo. Du findes os i tretten byer rundt om i landet, hvor en af vores mere end 300 ansatte vil stå klar til at sikre dig en kompetent og behagelig service. Vores mere end 30.000 tilfreds kunder har sikres o
Nord Energi forsyner 100.000 installationer med el i Vendsyssel og ca. 127.000 potentielle adresser med fibernet. Nord Energi ejer udover fibernettet i eget forsyningsområde også fibernettet på Læsø, i Frederikshavn og i Sæby. Nord Energi A.m.b.a er forbrugerejet med en koncernstruktur opdelt i et
ALFA Development A/S er et ejendomsselskab, der beskæftiger sig med projektudvikling af eksisterende og nye ejendomme. ALFA Development A/S udvikler og opfører ejendomsprojekter til ejerboligmarkedet. Der arbejdes også med udvikling af lokalplaner og udvikling af eksisterende ejendomme med potentia
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You want to live greener? Surrounded by plants both in- and outside? That's why we founded Greenify - a concept to make it easier for you to decorate with plants, whether it is your home or workplace. Greenify is today Denmark's leading urban, green plants concept. We operate in both the B2B and B
With our headquarters situated in Hedensted and our department in Copenhagen, Nordic Rentals A/S is one of the largest suppliers within the field of equipment rental and event management in Denmark and Scandinavia. Nordic Rentals A/S currently employ around 70 full time employees, and through our h
The European Space Agency Business Incubation Centre Denmark (ESA BIC Denmark) has 3 incubation hubs in the cities of Aarhus, Aalborg and Kgs. Lyngby. Here we offer extensive support for space-related startups to help them turn their ideas and inventions into successful, scalable businesses. At ESA